July Edition Navigator

By Allen Davis
Hello everyone! It’s great to have some real summer, after what seemed like a slow start – we hope you’re enjoying it and staying cool and well.
There’s a lot going on here at DFG – among other things, we’re growing! Three new advisors have joined our practice: Michael Brown, en route to his CFP, has relocated with his family from North Carolina, and works from our home office in Hadley MA. Jonathan Worobow and Nolan Cleary will be working from their office in Farmington CT, giving us reach into the Greater Hartford market with their deep experience in financial planning for medical practitioners and small business owners, with a special focus on restauranteurs. In coming editions we will provide more information about these new team members and their work – we’re very excited to have them with us!
Someone who is always with us is Daken Vanderburg, whose experience and wisdom have been helping us through the troubled waters of the pandemic and related market turmoil. His grasp of economic history, statistics, and investments, coupled with his calm and reassuring nature has been helping us focus on what’s important, and this month he continues to help us understand what is a defining component of today’s economic worry – Inflation. He continues to feel that we will be able to get inflation under control, in spite of last month’s (9% inflation report! We know you’ll enjoy Daken’s latest, which we whimsically refer to as “Cobras (the snakes, not health insurance extensions!), Supply Chains, and Consumer Behavior” – you don’t want to miss it!
Happy reading, and as always be in touch any time for any reason!
During the imperialist rule of India, the British government became frustrated with the number of cobras in Delhi. Why, they said, should a progressive city run by the most powerful nation (at the time) in the world be overrun by snakes? As any great society does, they quickly set their best minds on the problem.
I was reminded of this story recently when the latest inflation report was released. As you might have heard, inflation was announced just higher than expected and a bit higher than the previous month.
What follows is a relatively straightforward attempt to clarify why we, thus far, remain optimistic about getting inflation under control. Interestingly, we think this perspective may also explain why the bond market hardly moved with this latest inflation announcement.
With that, let us begin.
Financial Press Articles
Stocks Have Been Falling. I’m Still Buying Steadily.

Big stock market losses are nobody’s idea of fun. But they have been happening this year with dismaying regularity.
It’s not just a bad day or a bad week. The S&P 500 has fallen seven weeks in a row and Friday briefly entered bear market territory, Wall Street jargon for a decline of at least 20%. If you are a long-term investor, you may not want to look at your portfolio right now. The numbers may be unnerving.
How ESG scores give investors insight into a company's environmental impact

ESG scores are critical tools for investors who practice ESG investing. If you want to incorporate your values into your investment strategies, ESG scores can help you evaluate a company's commitment to the three legs of the ESG scoring model.