The SOLOIST Archives | July 2020
Are You a Soloist? Are You Putting Yourself at Risk?
Nearly one-quarter of people age 65 or older are “soloists”—that is, aging adults without a spouse or partner and children whom they can all on for help or support, when needed. That’s a huge portion of the population. Read more … Are You a Soloist? Are You Putting Yourself at Risk?
How We Became Passionate Advocates for Solos
Not long ago, my world view got turned on its head. I proudly showed a friend Davis Financial Group’s new print brochure, which we had put a lot of time into getting just right. She shook her head and handed it back to me. It looked good, she said, but “soloists” like her— older adults without a spouse or partner and children―were totally missing. “There’s a lot of us out there,” she said, “but you’ve forgotten to include us.” Read more … How We Became Passionate Advocates for Solos
Self-reliance Is Overrated
I was in my mid-30s when I broke my leg in a hiking accident. For more than a month, I hobbled around in a cast and crutches, determined to continue living much as I had before: running errands, meeting friends for coffee, returning to my job at UMass, even traveling from building to building for meetings or a class. Read more … Self-reliance Is Overrated
Soloist First Post
As we enter the height of summer, the virus is continuing to wreak havoc with our economy, our sense or order and security, and for some our faith in the future. Covid-19 is certainly illuminating the fragility of life. Even those of us who procrastinate the most have been moved by our intensified sense of our own mortality to make sure our legal documents are all buttoned up. Read more … Soloist First Post