Good Reads

In our ongoing research on Solos, we often come across worthwhile articles we think you’ll find useful. Here’s an initial batch. We’ll pass along others from time to time in future issues of The Soloist
Single? No Kids? Don’t Fret: How to Plan Care in Your Later Years
Susan B. Garland, The New York Times
Profiles Solos who are taking steps today to ensure they’ll live well and be well taken care of in the future. “Determined not to let fear of an uncertain future get the best of her,” one woman developed “a multipronged, go-it-alone plan” that addressed common concerns such as where to live, how to stay connected to other people, and where to get help if the times comes that you need it.
Six Key Planning Targets for Solo Baby Boomers’ Deep Aging
By Sara Zeff Geber, Fortune
Solo aging expert Sara Zeff Geber outlines six areas Solos should focus when proactively planning their own aging: emotional support, living arrangements, financial decisions, legal issues, daily finances, and medications. This is the first of a series of blogs by Geber on the Fortune website.
Without safety net of kids or spouse, ‘elder orphans’ need fearless fallback plan.
Judith Graham, Kaiser Health News
Solo Peter Sperry had a wake-up call while caring for his 82-year-old father. “There isn’t going to be anyone to do this for me when I’m his age,” he suddenly realized. ”I’d better figure out how I’m going to take care of myself.”
Rather than avoiding the thought of aging alone, “Be fearless, face issues head-on,” says Wendl Kornfeld, who leads workshops for Solos in New York. Doing so can help you, “stop worrying and start enjoying the best years of our lives.”
Choosing a Health Care Proxy When You’re an ‘Elder Orphan’
Carol Marak,
What qualities should you look for in choosing a healthcare proxy? This article provides suggestions for assembling a care team who can look out for your well-being and uphold your wishes should you become serious ill or incapacitated.
Elder Orphans: How to Plan for Aging Without a Family Caregiver
Christina Ianzito, AARP
Offers five tips for getting your ducks in a row now to ensure you’re well taken care of in the future:
- Consider where — and how — you might like to age
- Get your paperwork in order
- Develop a social network
- Find support from like-minded people
- Think creatively