
We help you balance financial realities with personal fulfillment, giving, and joy.

At the Davis Financial Group, we know that financial planning is about more than wealth management. It’s about your families, your accomplishments, your passions, and your values. It’s about peace of mind, freedom from worry about money, and the ability to live fully and authentically, now and in the future. Most importantly, it’s about context and confidence: we can help you organize your financial life in a way that helps you not only appreciate what you have, but allows you to enjoy it.

What we want for our clients


We want folks who work with us to feel CALMer about their finances and the trajectory of their lives, that there are solutions we can create together to real and potential problems, a way out of the forest if they are lost, an alternative to shame and regret and fear. Folks suffer a lot of angst avoiding financial matters, and we hope that by engaging with us as gentle, non-judgmental guides, they find the courage to do the work and that some of that tension can be released.


For folks who might begin by saying, “I don‘t know anything about this stuff,” or “my partner handles all that,” we’re thrilled when they reach a place where they actually feel SMARTer about money than they thought possible. We want to make the basic elements of financial planning accessible to our clients. Not Ph.D. level, but basic things they never learned in school or from their parents. We’re very good and patient teachers, and there are no exams! No one has ever flunked!


We want our clients to overcome their pessimism, fear, and insecurity and reach toward a level of OPTIMISM that often shocks them – “I’m going to be alright -- who knew?!” Without illusions, we hope that our work together leads toward a recognition of what can be controlled, that risks are being faced and addressed squarely, and that there are things they can do to help them live the life they want to live.


Whether our clients live alone or with a partner, or are worried about one day living without the partner they have depended on, we want them to feel that they are NOT IN IT ALONE, that they can depend on us as coaches who will help them make good decisions, and coordinate a team of advisers and specialists to help them navigate the challenges life will throw their way.

Let’s talk about how we can help you achieve your financial goals and live the life you desire and deserve. To set up a complimentary consultation, please contact us or give us a call at 413.584.3098. We look forward to hearing from you!